Religious Education

The Religious Education Program provides for the education in the faith of our young people. Its aim is to educate them in the doctrines of the Church and to teach the life of faith as the young people prepare to receive the sacraments. Teachers are needed but there are also other ways to volunteer in these programs.


K-6 meets from 9:00 to 10:15 on Sunday mornings and attends the 10:30 Mass at St. Brigid Church together. These classes are for those students who attend public or private school. Students at South Boston Catholic Academy are not required to attend the Sunday, religious education classes due to it being a part of their daily religious curriculum. This program lasts for about 25 Sundays running from September through May. For those students hoping to make their 1st Holy Communion in 2nd grade, you must begin religious education classes in 1st grade. This is a 2-year program, in accordance with the Archdiocese of Boston. 

2024/2025 Religious Education Schedule:
Religious Education (Grade K-6)
Registration fee: $50 per child/ $75 per family
Registration is on September 22nd at 8:30am in Cushing Hall, St. Brigid Church Lower Hall
Classes will begin that same Sunday, Sept 22nd
Classes will take place in the lower hall of St. Brigid Church
Class time: Sundays, 9:00am - 10:15am, followed by 10:30am Mass at St. Brigid Church

Class Schedule (Sept - May)
Fall 2024
Sept 22 (Registration & First Class: 9 - 10:15AM)
Sept 29
Oct 6, 20, 27
Nov 3, 17, 24
Dec 8, 15
Spring 2025
Jan 12, 26
Feb 2, 9
Mar 2, 9, 23
Apr 6, 13, 27
May 4

**IMPORTANT Dates for 2nd Grade Students Only**
Dates for Current 2nd Graders (school-year 2024/2025)
The Sacrament of First Reconciliation
November 21, 2024 5:00PM 
First Communion Retreat
Rehearsals for First Communion (Students are Required to attend both sessions)
Tuesday, April 29, 2025, 4:00PM at Gate of Heaven
Thursday, May 1, 2025, 4:00PM at Gate of Heaven
The Sacrament of First Communion
Saturday, May 3, 2025, 10:00AM at Gate of Heaven 

If we ever have to cancel class due to the weather, we will post on the parish website as soon as we make the determination to cancel.


Contact the Parish Office at 617-268-2122 / 3344.


In preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation, school age candidates are required to complete one year of catechetical training in the 7th grade. We also invite young adults to volunteer to assist with the classes, as energetic young adults can be a great asset to this program by being positive role models of lived faith. Feel free to reach out if you are interested in assisting with the program. 

For any questions, please email Fr. Peter at

For current 7th grade students (or those who have not had any Confirmation classes previously):
Classes at 5pm at St. Brigid Lower Hall - 6pm Mass to follow
October 20th, November 17th, December 15th, January 26th, February 9th, March 23rd, April 13th, May 4th
Confirmation in Fall of 2025 (typically when the student is in 8th grade)
Click on the registration link below to see the updated class schedule for 2024/2025.

Adult Confirmation

This program is designed for baptized Catholics who have received First Holy Communion but not the sacrament of Confirmation. It is a five-week program within the RCIA program, held Wednesday evenings during January and February. Click here to see the RCIA/AC Class Schedule

Following the completion of the course, candidates have the option to be confirmed at a number of diocesan adult confirmation ceremonies in the spring. Exact dates of confirmation TBA.

Please email, or call the parish office at 617-268-3344 for more information. 


The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a program for adults who are preparing to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church. It is designed primarily for those who have never been baptized, Catholics who have never received their First Holy Communion, or those who belong to another Christian church and wish to become Catholic. This program meets Sunday Mornings, beginning in late October and ending in April at the Easter Vigil.  Please call the parish office at 617-268-3344 or email us at for more information. 
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