Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish and Gate of Heaven Parish
with Saint Augustine Chapel Community
South Boston, Massachusetts
The Parishes of Gate of Heaven, St. Brigid and St. Augustine Chapel are in need of volunteers for a variety of ministries. Each year, we look to build up the laborers in the field to help spread the Good News of the Gospel throughout our parishes and our community. Each one of you is asked to consider how you could further contribute to the flourishing of the life of the Church in South Boston. This weekend provides an opportunity for young and old to volunteer and to participate more directly in the life and mission of our parishes. We ask you to prayerfully consider becoming more involved with our parishes.
Look at the following service options in our parish and consider a way to help your parish out today!
Lectors proclaim the Word of God and read the Prayers of the Faithful during the Mass. The lector’s important role is to proclaim the Word of God during Mass. It is by hearing the readings from the sacred texts that the faithful may conceive in their hearts a sweet and living affection for Sacred Scripture. Therefore, this responsibility requires that lectors devote sufficient preparation time to deliver readings from Scripture with conviction and clarity.
These Ministers are Confirmed members of the Church who are a living witness to the Church and her teachings. At the request of Fr. Casey, they assist the priests and deacons in the distribution of the Body of Christ. Eucharistic Ministers can also express their Christian life by bringing the Real Presence of Christ to the homebound and to those in nursing homes. Service is based upon the servant’s schedule.
Children (Grade 3 & up)
Boys & girls have the opportunity of serving at the Altar of our Lord. Their assistance to the priest at Mass allows for a reverent and prayerful liturgy. The practical nature of their service with the proper attention & prayer helps the entire community to enter into the Sacrifice of the Mass. We are especially in need of middle and high school servers to assist at the Sunday liturgies and feasts. Fr. Bennett trains and schedules servers.
Adult altar servers assist with the 7AM and 9AM daily Masses, usually on a rotating schedule. We also ask for help at Funeral liturgies. We welcome anyone who would like to share in this ministry. Don’t be shy! Training is provided and scheduling is flexible.
Extraordinary Ministers, Servers and Lectors
Attention Daily Mass attendees: We would like to increase the number of lectors, extraordinary ministers and servers we have at our daily 7am and 9am liturgies. We welcome anyone who would like to share in this ministry. Assistance to the priest at daily Mass is an important ministry, we provide training and we’d like to develop a rotating schedule
The choirs in our parishes serve an important part in enhancing our liturgies. Rehearsals take place each Thursday and the choirs serve at Mass on rotating schedules.
The St. Monica-St. Augustine Choir serves at the 4pm Mass at the Chapel weekly and practices before Mass.
Music Director Carolyn Martin coordinates the Choir at St. Brigid & Gate of Heaven Parishes. Musicians and vocalists are also encouraged to contact Carolyn at
Mr. Doug MacClellan, music teacher at South Boston Catholic Academy, coordinates our Children’s choir which serves at family Masses and school Masses. For more information on practices, email Mr. MacClellan
The Bell Choir performs at the 10:30 Mass usually once a month. Training is provided to use the bells and rehearsals are held weekly.
The Religious Education Program provides for the education in the faith of our young people. Its aim is to educate them in the doctrines of the Church and to teach the life of faith as the young people prepare to receive the sacraments. Teachers are needed but there are also other ways to volunteer in these programs.
K-6 meets from 9:00 to 10:15 on Sunday mornings and attends the 10:30 Mass together. This program lasts for about 25 Sundays running from September through April.
Confirmation students, grades 7 and 8, meet 8 Sundays a year from 4:15-7:00 pm. Students and volunteers attend the 6 pm Mass as a group. Energetic young adults can be a great asset to this program, providing positive role models of life in the faith.
The parish young-adult group offers a space for young people to grow in their faith, meet fellow Catholics, and increase their participation in the community. Email Fr. Bennett with any questions, comments, or ideas.
All of the clergy, office staff, and every volunteer is required to attend a Virtus—Protecting God’s Children training session, an archdiocese sponsored program which teaches an awareness of those persons and situations which could endanger our children. The state also requires volunteers to submit a yearly CORI form. ALL VOLUNTEERS MUST ATTEND THIS COURSE.
Parishioners who are ushers in our Parishes are responsible for greeting parishioners and assisting them to their seats, especially at large Masses or on Holy Days. Ushers also take up the collection during Mass. We are looking to establish an usher or two who are in charge of each Mass each week to ensure somebody is always there to coordinate the collection. All parishioners are welcome to share in this
Our Hospitality Committee helps with set up and service at various Parish events including cookouts, coffee socials, special dinners and receptions. We’re looking for a few people to help coordinate these events and assist with the different tasks of serving fellow parishioners
Sign up for a 20-minute commitment to spend in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Thursday evenings from 6:30-7:30 at St. Brigid Church. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will also be offered.
Our Parishes will be hosting morning social gatherings following the 10:30AM Family Masses at St. Brigid Church once a month. This is a great event for families to volunteer together. We need somebody each month to coordinate the set up, service and clean up. We hope to have a rotation of volunteers in this ministry.
Volunteer Eucharistic Ministers who bring the Eucharist to registered parishioners who are homebound.
Once a year in March, the Marriage Preparation Program, Pre-Cana, seeks to prepare engaged couples for a life long commitment in the Sacrament of Marriage. During the program, a variety of topics are presented by married couples followed by discussions. Volunteer married couples are encouraged to share their day-to-day experiences with engaged couples to help them better understand and explore aspects of married life. Due to the size of this program, many married couples are needed in order to make it effective. Please consider being a part of this very important ministry. Training will be provided.
Occasionally we need help in the parish assisting with office tasks, organizing special mailings or inputting data. A little time can help save so much. If you can assist us in these important projects, your time and energy would be greatly appreciated.
This group cleans Gate of Heaven Church twice a year. For many years, a few faithful parishioners have handled this big task. Some "Keepers" also help in the ordering, cleaning, and basic upkeep of the altar linens, sacred vessels, candles, and bread and wine. This group also assists in decorating for Christmas and Easter.
At St Brigid Parish, every few months, parishioners are asked to help with the dusting and cleaning of the church. It is very important to polish the beautiful wood in the altar area. We welcome everyone to assist in this very important role. It is also a good way for families to get together and help out in our parishes. If you can assist in anyway please consider volunteering for this service. Members of this group also help decorate for Christmas and Easter.
1000 A Month Club meets every first Sunday after the 10:30am mass to offer coffee, donuts, and a raffle for our parish. The money raised supports South Boston Catholic Academy. Our club could use your assistance either with helping to run the raffle or simply to join in buying a number and enjoying an hour of fun.
What can the parishes do for you?? Is there something you don’t see listed here that you think could benefit the parish or your fellow parishioners? Do you have any special talents you’d like to share with your fellow parishioners and the community? We’d love to hear new ideas!
Gate of Heaven Church
615 E 4th St,
South Boston, MA 02127
Saint Brigid of Kildare Church
845 E Broadway,
South Boston, MA 02127
Saint Augustine Chapel
181 Dorchester St,
South Boston, MA 02127